Your CRE Technology Ecosystem
Lives in Dealpath

Integrate Industry-Leading Technologies to Support Decision Making & Enhance Productivity

Centralize all the data and information you need for investment decision making in one command center. From document storage to data tracking, Dealpath offers a number of integrations with best-in-class technologies that are essential to efficient day-to-day pipeline management.



View lease comps, sale comps, and deal property details embedded within your transaction summary

Real Capital Analytics

Coming Soon: Review sales comparables from RCA within Dealpath to surface market insights and streamline deal evaluations.


Access demographic data points to validate underwriting assumptions and investment recommendations


Track investment performance and investor relations without redundant data entry.

MRI Software

Strengthen underwriting assumptions and investment decisions with key portfolio data in Dealpath


Empower predictive analytics and holistic decisions by connecting real-time pipeline and portfolio data with your aggregated market insights managed in Cherre 


Bridge the gap between owned portfolio, operational and deal pipeline data by hydrating NavigatorCRE with proprietary datasets from Dealpath.

Microsoft Office


Seamlessly import data such as financial models and export data from Dealpath for clear consumption


Pull data directly from Dealpath into Word to quickly create accurate documents like investment memos, LOIs and PSAs

Microsoft Outlook

Create new deals and keep milestones up to date in Dealpath without leaving your inbox

File Management


Dealpath was built on top of the Box platform allowing for easy uploading and viewing of deal files directly in Dealpath.


Upload files directly from your Dropbox account into Dealpath.

Single Sign On


Keep data secure and control access with your preferred single-sign on solution


Keep data secure and control access with your preferred single-sign on solution

Microsoft Azure

Keep data secure and control access with your preferred single-sign on solution


Integrate single sign-on (SSO) with your custom SAML 2.0 solution.

The Command Center of Your Modern
Real Estate Tech Stack

Enhance holistic decision making by connecting the top and bottom of the funnel with Dealpath’s open API.

Portfolio Management
Market Data/Analytics
Harness the insights required to stay competitive in a fast-paced environment in one place
Programmatically feed new opportunities to your pipeline and amass competitive market intelligence
Seamlessly surface relevant top-of-funnel intelligence as new opportunities materialize
Asset/Lease/Tenant Management
Leverage owned portfolio data to inform investment decisions with rent rolls, tenant mixes and property information
Fund Administration/ Investor Relations
Enhance investor reporting workflows with smart automation and contextual deal data
Capital Projects
Automate project kickoffs, reconcile critical dates and analyze ongoing budgets to keep stakeholders informed
Capital Projects
Automate project kickoffs, reconcile critical dates and analyze ongoing budgets to keep stakeholders informed
Integrate underwriting models and memorialize market assumptions for ongoing performance and variance monitoring
Business Intelligence
Establish bi-directional data flows that marry deal management datasets with other operational and strategic platforms

The Command Center of Your Modern Real Estate Tech Stack

Enhance holistic decision making by connecting the top and bottom of the funnel with Dealpath’s open API.

The Command Center of Your Modern Real Estate Tech Stack

Enhance holistic decision making by connecting the top and bottom of the funnel with Dealpath’s open API.

Real-Time Data Enables Quick Decisions, Speed & Scale

quote Dealpath is the hub where all of our deals live at both the beginning and end of the funnel. This continuity enables our deal teams to analyze the full asset lifecycle with reliable information, together with asset-level relationships.
Danielle Gannon
Technology & Innovations Associate, Blackstone

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